Interior Architectural Lighting

Elegance and Atmosphere

The Location, which will host and make frame Your Event, certainly plays a very important role; enhancing, emphasizing Areas, Details and the Surrounding Environment can really be an excellent move, a added value, which can make Your Event Truly Unforgettable.

The Architectural / Ambient Lighting is undoubtedly a valid and excellent solution.

This particular type of lighting, suitable for both Interiors and Exteriors, is made possible thanks to the use of very Special and Rigorously Wireless and Battery-operated Professional Lights, made up of RGBW Leds, with which to reproduce any color, shade, nuance and with a characteristic very narrow light beam from bottom to top, with an angle of about 25 °.

Without any doubt, it is a particular lighting, very versatile, practical and non-invasive and suitable for multiple uses: To Outline The Dance Floor, To Highlight Rnvironmental Details, Facades, Courtyards, Loggias, Walls, Trees, Along The Perimeter of a Room, Corners, Stairs, Statues and much more..

This Lighting will make Your location and Your Event Really Magical, Elegant, a Fairytale and Surprising Atmosphere, that extra touch that will guarantee memorability and a Guaranteed Wow Effect.

Palazzo Borghese

Castello di Vincigliata

Villa Tolomei

Grand Hotel Cavour – Secret Bar

La Certosa di Firenze

Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai

Villa Passerini

Villa Corsini

Tenuta di Artimino – Villa Medicea La Ferdinanda – Villa Dei Cento Camini

Hotel Ristorante Borgo di Cortefreda

Villa Mocale

Fattoria Il Giardino Di Travalle

Agriturismo I Viticci

N.B. The 99% of the Photos & Videos on this site are of my production and made with non-professional equipments, so sorry for the poor quality
and if they are not perfect… are done to give you only a real small and initial idea of my work and how Your Event could be…
In Person is All Definitely Much Better!

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