Outdoor Architectural Lighting


Elegance and Atmosphere

The Location, which will host and make frame Your Event, certainly plays a very important role; enhancing, emphasizing Areas, Details and the Surrounding Environment can really be an excellent move, a added value, which can make Your Event Truly Unforgettable.

The Architectural / Ambient Lighting is undoubtedly a valid and excellent solution.

This particular type of lighting, suitable for both Interiors and Exteriors, is made possible thanks to the use of very Special and Rigorously Wireless and Battery-operated Professional Lights, made up of RGBW Leds, with which to reproduce any color, shade, nuance and with a characteristic very narrow light beam from bottom to top, with an angle of about 25 °.

Without any doubt, it is a particular lighting, very versatile, practical and non-invasive and suitable for multiple uses: To Outline The Dance Floor, To Highlight Rnvironmental Details, Facades, Courtyards, Loggias, Walls, Trees, Along The Perimeter of a Room, Corners, Stairs, Statues and much more..

This Lighting will make Your location and Your Event Really Magical, Elegant, a Fairytale and Surprising Atmosphere, that extra touch that will guarantee memorability and a Guaranteed Wow Effect.

Castello Vicchiomaggio

Castello di Modanella

Agriturismo Poggio Tondo

Villa Montefiano

Tenuta Corbinaia

Tenuta di Casa Bruciata

Castello il Palagio

Villa Mocale

La Spinetta Casanova

Villa Viviani

Fattorie Santo Pietro

Le Scudeie de L’Antinoro

Villa Podernovo

N.B. The 99% of the Photos & Videos on this site are of my production and made with non-professional equipments, so sorry for the poor quality
and if they are not perfect… are done to give you only a real small and initial idea of my work and how Your Event could be…
In Person is All Definitely Much Better!

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