Professional Equipments
Up To 4 Music Stations
Every event, whatever it is, deserves maximum attention, study and adequate Equipments.
All my Equipment, constantly updated and maintained, is absolutely Professional and Quality, this to ensure maximum success of the Event and the best service possible.
I have many audio systems, many light effects and headlights of all kinds, various DJ consoles, numerous microphones with cable and wireless (headband, clip/lavalier, hand-held) and much more, this allows me to set up, simultaneously and without any problem, up to 4 Music Stations complete with everything you need, managing to realize and satisfy even the most complex and articulated events that develop over different areas of the location, eliminating the movement of equipment and work in progress during the Event, which is not nice to see and therefore to be avoided as much as possible.
All equipment will be ready for use and tested before the Event begins so as to avoid any type of malfunction or problem and if needed, I am always ready for anything, as I always carry with me at least one more extra music station, many more cables and adapters of all types, wireless microphones and sound systems and spare lights, so as to be truly ready for any eventuality, change or emergency.
You Just Have Only to Enjoy Your Event, pampered by a pleasant & elegant musical continuity without interruption. The perfect soundtrack along all Your Special Event.
N.B. The 99% of the Photos & Videos on this site are of my production and made with non-professional equipments, so sorry for the poor quality
and if they are not perfect… are done to give you only a real small and initial idea of my work and how Your Event could be…
In Person is All Definitely Much Better!